If you read part one of this post, you already know that there are four standards which will typically need to be met in order to be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. The first requires that you are an employee of the business where you were working when you became injured or ill. The other…

Unfortunately, injuries on the job do occur from time to time. Even in companies where much is done to keep employees safe, accidents are just a part of life. So, if you have been injured on the job recently, you may be wondering whether or not you are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits (also referred…

If you are involved in a workers comp case, you may be asked to attend an IME as part of the process. IME stands for ‘Independent Medical Review’, and it is meant to confirm the status of your condition. While that might not seem like a big deal at first, it is important to note…

When you take a job, you may assume that you are automatically covered by workers’ compensation. If you are injured during the course of performing that job, it would be easy to think that your medical costs along with some of your lost wages will be reimbursed by the workers’ comp system in Maryland. While…

The workers’ compensation system in the state of Maryland is extremely important for those who are in a position to need it. Workers’ compensation provides employees with protection when they are harmed on the job, as they may be able to collect things such as lost wages as well as medical treatment. Also, some will…

If you are hurt on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. The detail of each case will determine whether or not you are actually eligible for benefits, but you always should look into the possibility after an injury has been suffered. Unfortunately, many employees don’t know that they have rights in this…

As a Maryland business owner, you are always going to be interested in the possibility of reducing your costs. When it comes to the topic of workers’ compensation cases, reducing your costs can have a powerful impact on your bottom line. There is a staggering amount of money spent on workmans’ compensation each year, and…

If you are injured on the job, you may have a rightful claim to workers’ compensation. You may have to miss work when you are hurt – meaning you will miss out on income – so it is possible that you will have a valid claim to recover some of the earnings that you have…

You work hard every day to support yourself and your family. In the unfortunate event of an injury at work, it could affect your everyday job performance. When a workplace injury happens in the state of Maryland, it is important to follow specific steps – ending with hiring the best workers comp attorney. Take a…

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