Even the most careful driver can have a car accident in winter. Limited visibility, icy roads, and careless fellow drivers can all contribute to a winter driving mishap—and all those things are out of your control. To feel safer and minimize your risk of more serious damage to yourself, your passengers, or your automobile, remember…

  It’s hard enough to cope with being in a car accident. Dealing with an insurance claims adjuster who sees you as just another case number is an additional stressor you don’t need. Not everyone understands the ins and outs of dealing with auto insurance adjusters. How do you navigate the claim and settlement process?…

Car accidents: they can happen in the blink of an eye. Once the shock wears off, witnessing one can leave you with questions. That’s why the Law Office of Arthur Crum, PA, has put together a list of the dos and don’ts you need to know before you become a traffic accident witness. Do Ensure…

A hit-and-run accident is one of the most aggravating types you’ll ever encounter. You have damages to your car, possible injuries, and no one to hold responsible for the incident. If you’re lucky, you may have been able to grab the other vehicle’s license plate number. Usually, however, the other car speeds off before you…

Spring means warmer weather, increased traffic, and a few more things to consider when you get behind the wheel. Here are six tips for staying safe on the road this spring. 1. Ice May Still be a Problem Now that it’s getting warmer, ice should no longer be an issue…right? Not necessarily. Warm days do…

Every winter finds Maryland roads a skating rink full of hazards causing incidents, from minor fender benders and off-road skids to serious and life-altering accidents. Driving in winter weather can be hazardous. Here are the top causes of serious auto accidents in winter: 1. Black Ice Black ice refers to the transparent coating of ice…

Before we dig into finding out “who’s at fault” after a wreck, let’s go over some myths you may have heard when sidewalk lawyers (those who got their “law degree” by watching CSI) try to determine liability in a car accident. Myth: Every time you are hit from behind, it’s the other car’s fault: Not…

If you haven’t noticed all the “Rookie Driver” stickers on cars, you’ve certainly noticed all the young drivers with obviously stressed adults in the passenger seat. It’s that time of year again, when the newest flock of motorists are hitting the road. Here are 7 driving safety tips to offer to keep them, and those…

September is here, bringing cooler nights, football, changing leaves, and school buses on every corner. Did you know that Maryland falls in the top ten states for school bus fatalities for students between the ages of 12 and 19? Many times, these accidents occur because an estimated one out of every five teenagers cross streets…

Here’s a sobering fact: tractor-trailer accidents result in nearly 500,000 non-fatal accidents and 4000 fatalities every year. It’s really not surprising that tractor-trailers, which are between 20 and 30 times heavier than average cars, are involved in so many accidents. After all, it’s estimated there are 3.5 million truck drivers in the US alone. Why…

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